Are You a ´Great CoMissionary´?

I know, it sounds kind of cheesy, but it is a valid question for everyone who is a follower of Jesus to ask themselves. In general, we tend to look at missionaries and missions and label them as the superheroes of the church. Going too far away lands. Discovering new places that have yet to hear the Gospel. Planting churches. Learning new languages in order to preach and disciple people. It sounds like every Christians dream job to put those things on their resumes but very few people would actually be willing to do it.  People might even tell a missionary, “Man, I respect what you do. But I could never leave my (Insert preferred comfort) to go to a new place and do what you do. That´s too radical for me!” 581869_579544348724808_147870101_n

I am not writing to condemn Christians as bad Christians if they do not become overseas missionaries. I am writing to help clarify one thing. An overseas missionary and a Christian who has never left his state has the same God-given Biblical mandate. Their value is the same, the blood of Jesus. One is not more exalted than another, when, despite their location, both are walking in obedience to Jesus´ commands He gave to His body. We have all heard of the Great Commission. We find that in Matthew, chapter 28 in the last three verses of the book.

“18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20

Jesus left us a job to do, all of us. The awesome thing about being a part of the church is that Jesus didn´t leave us a huge job to do by ourselves. Not all are called to go to different nations, but the church, as a whole, is called to go to different nations. Though we can never assume God´s specific plan for our lives without actually taking time to seek Him, we can walk in obedience to His Biblical mandate while we seek Him for specific direction. There are people who wait and wait and wait for God to speak. While they wait, they do nothing. “God still hasn´t revealed His plan for me”

First and foremost, God´s Word AKA the Bible, is His revelation to mankind so that we might know: 1) Who is God, 2) Who are we, and 3) How to live a Christian life that honors God. For those who diligently are in God´s Word, we know that God has given us a job that must be obeyed. Though we are not saved by our works (Ephesians 2:8-9), works should be an automatic response to a person with genuine faith in Jesus (James 2).

Before you stress out so much with focusing on, ´Where does God want me?´, how about we focus more on, ´How can I obey God’s commandments to love Him and love others?´. How can I love my neighbor? Are there poor or orphans that I can take care of? Are there brokenhearted that I can counsel and lead to Jesus’ feet? Are my brothers and sisters in Christ continuing strong in their faith or are they losing focus during the race and they need someone to bring them back into the fight? Where can I share the message of reconciliation? Where can I be an ambassador of Christ? Who needs to hear the message of what Jesus did on the cross? Who, around me, needs to be discipled?

go into all the world

There is so much to do! When we focus so much on trying to know every small detail of our future, we are missing out on our everyday life where our neighbors are waiting for an obedient brother or sister from the body of Christ to love them and to bring them to Jesus’ feet.

At the end of the day, if you are called to go overseas and you have the open door to do it, go for it! Be obedient in some far away land. If you are not called to go overseas but called to stay in a small town in Iowa, trust me, the same Biblical mandate applies to you and must be obeyed. We cannot compare ourselves to each other by judging who is the more obedient Christian, depending on where they live in the world. Our job is the same and we are all part of the same body. So please, if you are seeking God to where He wants you to go, keep seeking Him, but do not become idle as you wait on the Lord. Often times God is so faithful that when we simply obey Him in what He has commanded us to do through His Word, He often reveals to us the specifics when we aren´t even looking for them. We need to obey God wherever we are at. There is no justification for inaction and it isn´t about being in a works-based religion because we aren´t. It is about abiding in Jesus and when we abide in Him, we want to obey His commandments no matter where we are. Wherever Jesus was, when He saw a need (physical, social, emotional, spiritual), He acted in obedience to His Father´s will in order that God might be glorified. So in whatever you do and wherever you are, walk in obedience to God´s Word and to the great commission that He has given you, glorifying God in each action, and then you too may be called a ´Great CoMissionary´.

And remember Jesus´ words that He left with the disciples in Matthew 28:20

“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

He is with you, every step of the way.

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